White Plume Term Sheet for Your Organization
n/a% Productivity Gain
Outcome | Baseline EPH (Current) | Guaranteed EPH Outcome |
n/a | n/a |
Material Annual ROI—$NaN
Annual Financial ROI | At n/a EPH |
FTE Reduction | $NaN |
Revenue Leakage | $n/a |
Savings Reinvested in APPs | $n/a |
Total | $NaN/year |
No Physician Disruption / Minimal Staff Involvement
Physician Involvement | 0 (no physician impact) |
Admin Staff Involvement | NaN |
Rapid Execution
n/a EPH | |
Kickoff Meeting Date | 4/18/2025 |
Launch Date | 6/27/2025 |
Calendar Time to Outcome | 189 Days |
Outcome Target Date | 1/2/2026 |
No Capital Investment
Monthly Fees | $NaN |
One Time Charges | $8,900 |
Report Summary
Report summary - comming soon.
SAMPLE ANALYSIS for Your Organization
Savings Prediction by Eliminating Certain Non-Clinical Productivity Losses and Revenue Leakage Using White Glove Data Science-Driven Service
Executive Summary
Using our White Glove solution (smart technology, expert monthly review, and data-driven education) delivers monthly, predictable bottom-line money by intelligently reducing unnecessary non-clinical work and improving revenue leakage.
Our analysis predicts Your Organization will have annual net bottom-line savings of $n/a and $n/a over 5 years.
"It's like exchanging nickels for quarters every day with no effort required. Found money in today's environment with contractual protection is not only easy but very quick to achieve."
The recurring money from our White Glove service funds fighting inflation, addressing non-clinical hiring challenges, practice expansion, clinical equipment purchasing or adding Physician Assistants.
We reduce non-clinical expense and revenue leakage by $18,537 per physician per year for our average client.
Our analysis predicts your practice will have annual net bottom-line savings of $n/a and $n/a over 5 years.
These funds are available quickly with zero impact to clinical workflow or EMR technology.
We have a 100% track record for success with our White Glove offering. Therefore, we offer a contractual risk model for these productivity improvements estimated to be 5x greater than the national average (our average client is 13x the national average).
For a 40-doctor practice, our White Glove solution eliminates the work of 5 FTEs. It replaces them with our smart encounter software, monthly analytics review, data-science driven improvements, and one on-site encounter "Ninja."
This prediction report uses our smart analytics engine, your publicly available data, national averages, your specialty, EMR, and metrics from our national customer data warehouse.
The recurring money generated from our White Glove service funds fighting inflation, addressing non-clinical hiring challenges, and strategic priorities for health systems.
We reduce non-clinical expense and revenue leakage by $18,537 per physician per year for our average client.
Our analysis predicts your health system will have annual net bottom-line savings of $n/a and $n/a over 5 years.
These funds are available quickly with zero impact to clinical workflow or EMR technology.
We have a 100% track record for success with our White Glove offering. Therefore, we offer a contractual risk model for these productivity improvements estimated to be 5 times greater than the national average (our average client is 13 times the national average).
For a health system with 900 employed providers, our White Glove solution eliminates the work of 80 administrative FTEs. It expands the capacity of your best team members with our smart encounter software, monthly analytics review, and data-science driven improvements.
This prediction report uses our smart analytics engine, your publicly available data, and metrics from our national customer data warehouse.
We deliver $20,900 per physician per year in EBITDA or $10,877,500 over five years.
32% of the net savings is a contractually guaranteed performance improvement and an additional 29% is delivered on an at-risk contingency basis.
Our White Glove solution has a 100% track record of success eliminating labor waste related to specific encounter/claims review, auditing and unnecessary human adjustment at a minimum rate of 5:1 better than the national average (i.e., one person can do the work of five).
Our average White Glove client performs substantially better than the minimum at 13 times better than national average.
These funds are available quickly with zero impact to clinical workflow or EMR technology.
The recurring net savings from our White Glove service adds substantial enterprise value.
This prediction report uses our smart analytics engine, your publicly available data, national averages, your specialty, EMR, and proven metrics from our national customer data warehouse.
Originally, we offered a software only solution but re-engineered our offering to add all the necessary daily and monthly services to achieve consistent, reproducible outcomes for clients. Rather than discuss the potential benefits, we created our White Glove experience to take responsibility for the outcomes. Today we serve 3,600+ physicians covering 44 specialties in 34 states with 1,250 payors.
Financial Impact Summary
Your 5 Yr Net Cost Savings by Eliminating Lost Productivity
We offer an at-risk model to contractually deliver this level of productivity improvement above the national average. Our typical White Glove clients achieve even better results.
Your 5 Yr Revenue Leakage Improvement
The elimination of revenue leakage improves above baseline averages for human or software only processes as a natural, positive benefit of our service. Your net bottom-line would improve by a net $1.99 per encounter based on our White Glove customer average.
Your 5 Year Net Revenue Recapture Improvement
Identifying opportunities for Net Revenue Recapture recovers missed revenue from payers and puts earned dollars back where they belong.
Your 5 Yr Bottom Line Impact Potential
This is a net bottom-line number.
Our fees have been subtracted from the gross hard cost savings and therefore the number above are the true available funds to your practice.
Our fees have been subtracted from the gross hard cost savings and therefore the number above are the true available funds to your practice.
Enterprise Value Impact
For growing PE Sponsored Specialty Platform companies, our White Glove provides highly scalable growth. White Glove provides a significant EV impact, the above number assumes a 14x EBITDA multiple.
Assumptions and Inputs
The following analysis details financial and efficiency gains for post-crisis business recovery and was prepared exclusively for Your Organization utilizing your specific data.
This personalized report includes probable outcomes and at-risk performance levels achievable from our White Glove recovery solution. The personalized information is based on a variety of government reported data on your practice, your location, your payor mix, your encounter volume, your specialty, relevant knowledge from our national analytics repository, published research and actual customer data similar to your size, state, payor mix, EMR, claims and specialty.
Your Organization
- Report date: 3/14/2025
- Main office: In Your State with n/a+ location(s)
- EMR: n/a
- # of providers: Your Organization
- Encounters per day: n/a
- Coding FTEs: n/a
- Surgical specialists? n/a
- Independently owned? n/a
- Medicare procedures: n/a+
This analysis and report are strictly CONFIDENTIAL: to be used by Your Organization and White Plume only.
© White Plume, Inc. All rights reserved.
© White Plume, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Eliminating Lost Productivity (EPH)
The minimum level of performance improvement with our solution is n/a% above your current level.
The key performance indicator overlooked by most practices is Encounters Per Hour (EPH) per coder, perfector, auditor, biller or whomever cleans up all of the coding data behind your doctors. Based on independent research and our own market analytics the national average for EPH is 21. According to your inputs (or our initial estimates)
your EPH is n/a. Your White Glove ensured EPH is n/a.
The software only approach fails to deliver outcomes. Despite millions invested in technology, doctors still do not want to be coders. Coded encounter data from EHR and CAC are perfect only 44.6% of the time. Coders, billers or rev cycle perfectors have to clean up the rest. Until now the lack of high quality data into the productivity and accuracy of this cleanup work was non-existent.
We will deliver this productivity outcome in 180 days, or your practice pays nothing.
Machine generated analytics are expertly curated and reviewed with your team to target the three largest productivity waste areas:
Increase Automation
Reduce False Alarms
Eliminate Unnecessary Touches
We can transform your practice in this overlooked revenue cycle area with our smart technology-enabled service. Furthermore, we'll go at-risk on this performance and related outcomes, or your practice pays nothing.
Our actual average customer results (as observed directly in our analytics) are substantially higher than the performance improvement that is contractually at-risk. White Glove customers that follow our best practice technology-informed suggestions and proven processes are experiencing results that are even higher.
Your Organization Efficiency Improvement with White Glove Optimization vs National Average
Improve Scalability
If you plan to grow total practice volume through organic growth or through acquisitions, improving EPH makes your growth more scalable.
Rather than investing time, dollars and scarce resources recruiting, onboarding and training additional staff, turn your existing team into White Glove Ninjas.
Improve Durability
If you struggle with staff turnover due to the Great Resignation, improving EPH makes your team more durable.
Rather than investing time, dollars and scarce resources recruiting, onboarding and training additional staff to backfill open positions, turn your remaining team into White Glove Ninjas.
Annual and 5-Year EPH Savings
There are real, substantial annual net savings our solution can deliver from clinical revenue cycle efficiencies. The savings are available quickly and continue monthly.
Your Estimated Cost Savings (at our contractual at-risk level of efficiency performance improvement)
(see total potential bottom-line benefit in the “investment analysis” section below)
over a 5 year period
over a 5 year period
Our smart service simply works along-side your EMR, so implementation and setup are very fast. You will see savings and a performance improvement immediately- in the first month. The savings and efficiency will continue to improve over time reaching our contractual guaranteed level in 4-6 months, giving you long term funds to fuel future initiatives as required.
The savings presented are NET to you. We have subtracted the fees for our solution already in order to give you a complete picture of the actual dollars available to utilize in the post coronavirus era.
As previously stated, if you do not see the performance improvement results you pay zero.
It is of course up to your practice when, where and how to invest the extra cash. However, the speed of the results allows our client practice to invest the money for an even greater return. Clients invest in expansion, equipment financing or hiring more fully-funded Physician Assistants (or something with a higher ROI): improving physicians' performance and adding substantially more to the bottom line.
NOTE: The additional invest benefit not included within the net savings number above. For an estimate of total potential improvement to the bottom line see the Investment Impact section below.
You will see savings and a performance improvement immediately – in the first month.
Revenue Leakage Prevention (RLP)
As a natural consequence of our smart technology platform, expert curated analytics and prescriptive actions, our White Glove solution finds hidden opportunities to avoid revenue leakage.
White Glove customers see $2.47 per encounter average revenue leakage improvement versus an average of $0.48 using a software only approach.
Our clients realize a net positive improvement in revenue leakage of $1.99 per encounter.
Even the very best human code review will miss earned charges. Learning over time, we flag these found opportunities thru our experts, analytics, process and smart-technology and reduce the negative impact. The result is that claims accurately reflect work performed. Our solution also finds and reduces per encounter liability, but the final result is consistently a net positive across our client base.
Revenue Leakage Avoidance per Encounter Comparison
5 Year Projected Bottom-Line Impact for Your Organization from Net Revenue Leakage Improvement
These numbers are not part of our at-risk performance indicators, but naturally occur on a monthly basis and are proven in our White Glove client analytics repository. There is no extra charge for this consistent benefit. No extra work is required from our customers. Therefore, the found money does fall directly to the bottom line.
Revenue Leakage Prevention and EPH
One of the surprising, and counterintuitive findings from our White Glove Process was that rev cycle employees who were the most productive (EPH) also performed better in preventing Revenue Leakage. The conventional wisdom that the faster you work, the more likely you are to make mistakes was solidly disproven by the data. More productive rev cycle employees captured $1.99 MORE per encounter than their less productive peers. As more and more of the process was automated (close to 70%) the visual clutter was removed and they could finally focus on finding missed revenue instead of fixing doctors' mistakes.
Net Revenue Recapture
Ensuring that all earned revenue is properly paid – should not depend on error free employees or payers watching out for your best interests.
NRR systematically reviews 837/835 data to identify, categorize and prioritize net revenue opportunities from the past 12 months. Human errors, retroactive reimbursement changes and incorrectly paid claims historically add up to 1–3% of lost revenue that stays in the pockets of the payers.
Even the most sophisticated medical groups and revenue cycle teams have been unable to profitably mine these revenue opportunities due to a lack of data and expertise. Health systems successfully run similar campaigns, but payers count on the fact that practices cannot execute on this strategy.
We estimate your practice could generate an additional $n/a in annual revenue through NRR.
The estimated NET bottom line impact of NRR (after subtracting all other costs including our fees) is:
$n/a annually
$n/a over 5 years
Successful results from Net Revenue Recapture are incorporated into Revenue Leakage strategies to prevent these mistakes the first time going forward.
NRR helps identify, categorize and prioritize net revenue opportunities up to 3% of net patient revenue.
Net Revenue Recapture (NRR) and Revenue Leakage Prevention
When clients began to identify and prevent Revenue Leakage, the consistent next thought was “I wish I did this 6 months ago”! NRR provides a mechanism to go backwards in time to analyze, categorize and prioritize those opportunities.
NRR is done on a pure contingency model. We do not get paid until after you get paid.
Finally, our experts work alongside your team to ensure that mistakes identified through NRR are built into the platform to capture and correct as many of these mistakes in real time going forward.
Total Potential Bottom-Line Impact
There are few solutions (if any) of which we are aware that are realized quickly and have this kind of material monthly impact without interrupting your operations or physicians.
White Glove represents substantial bottom-line impact potential when you combine the hard cost savings (from contractually committed performance improvements) with the naturally occurring net revenue leakage improvement and invest that monthly income on strategies with even higher returns. For purposes of illustration, we've chosen to show the net impact of investing this annuity in immediate Physician Assistant hires, outlined above, to produce your total potential.
Your 5 Yr Bottom Line Impact Potential of EPH Savings + Revenue Leakage Avoidance + NRR
Likely Level of Performance Improvement
Your practice should expect to far exceed our minimum performance threshold.
Level of Improvement Average for White Glove
100% of our White Glove clients have achieved the minimum performance threshold, and an astonishing 82% have gone far above that level.
Our White Glove Optimization solution goes far beyond our initial contractual at-risk guaranteed level of performance. We continuously improve, fine-tune, and adjust our solution to your precise environment down to individual contributing elements while applying best practices by specialty, area, and processes.
Given the likely outcome improvement, based on the average achieved by all White Glove customers seen in actual, live customer analytics, Your Organization should expect to see a n/a% improvement.
These results can be fully realized within 8 months or sooner.
Level of Improvement Implementing Best Practices
The top 50% of our White Glove clients see substantially more gains.
These practices adopt our analytics-based adjustments, methods and automation quicker and have the mentality of being in the national performance elite. Based on the actual average performance of this group of our customers, your practice should expect to see improved outcomes of n/a%.
All of our White Glove customers are continually improving. There is not a limit or change in price to see this level of results. The only requirement is the desire to do so.
Understanding Our Contractual At-Risk Model
We ensure the minimum outcomes illustrated in this report through a contractually guaranteed, at-risk approach designed to eliminate worry, fear and risk.
The power of our smart software, our analytics, our precise application of our knowledge, and proven customer results — not to mention 2 decades of experience — give us the confidence to offer an at-risk contract tailored to your goal and your timeline (even without this crisis).
For years, we offered software-only solutions for our customers. We became very frustrated that only a small number of clients were realizing the full, possible benefits. Our presentation and technology offering sounded like every other software vendor who showed POTENTIAL outcomes but leaving it to the customers to produce those results.
We tie our performance and risk to the minimum outcomes illustrated in this report to eliminate worry, fear and risk.
We made the decision to become an outcomes company, providing results - not software or services. Our White Glove solution was born. After seeing the real data and client success repeat 100% of the time, we re-engineered a contract to reflect that we sell outcomes, NOT technology.
Our contract is short, the outcomes that we commit to are written in an exhibit and there is no fine print. However, we do require a 20-minute EXECUTIVE-ONLY presentation before proceeding. After that meeting, we conduct a 45-minute VALIDATION exercise with your staff to make sure the numbers are correct and opportunity for success exists before we are willing to to go at-risk. If the validation comes back positive, we mutually agreed to the outcomes and timeframe. Results will be seen within the first month with minimum performance seen in 3-6 months. If we do not hit the numbers, all money is returned.
If you wish a no money trial period, we offer that option as well, but we share in the savings and our fees are higher.
White Glove Experience by the Numbers
Our solution is very easy to implement (just a few days) and is backed by deep industry expertise and experience processing 813 million encounters.
Our experts...
review the analytics,
implement solutions,
consult with clients to drive continuous improvement,
are highly experienced, industry veterans,
love focusing on delivering results and not technology.
Our technology...
Our technology considers a quintillion (1018) analytic points.
We serve...
Delivering outcomes with integrity is what we do. Every day. Every month. Every year.
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Next Steps for Rapid, Sustainable Business Improvement
We have experience quickly implementing alongside all major EMR systems.
The COVID-19 crisis along with current hiring and inflation pressures has created a high demand for our solution. In response, we’ve added capacity to help existing clients improve even more, as well as capacity to add new customers. There are limited open slots available.
Due to high demand, if you think you are interested now, you can temporarily hold a slot open, between now and your appointment time by replying to the email we sent and writing HOLD in the subject line. We will make every effort to reserve your place but cannot guarantee it.
These are available
implementation slots
as of 3/14/2025.
implementation slots
as of 3/14/2025.
In addition to this comprehensive, interactive report created uniquely for your practice, we’ve created a process for eliminating financial risk, making go-forward decisions move quickly and accelerating go-live.
Next steps are as follows:
Select an appointment time online or fill out a contact form -
Brief executive-only exploratory virtual meeting and explanation -
Email follow-up to validate your practice numbers -
Schedule an executive-only 20-minute presentation -
Deliver executive-only briefing along with Q&A
Reserve an implementation slot -
Schedule or conduct 45-minute validation meeting with staff (immediately following executive presentation) -
Mutually agreed-to outcomes and timeframe are documented and placed in contract for consideration -
Reference calls can be arranged with similar practices
Learn More About The White Glove Experience
Email us to reserve an implementation slot at matthew@whiteglovepractice.com
Schedule an Appointment at whiteplume.com/appointment
Contact us through our online contact form at whiteplume.com/contact
Call us at 877.633.7226 x134