Unlike traditional software or service companies that offer potential results, White Plume stands out by guaranteeing material outcomes with minimal impact on staff. Our AI-Driven White Glove solution is unique, focusing squarely on delivering results, not just analytics or consultation. We've engineered our processes, technology, and team to ensure rapid, substantial financial improvements are not just a promise—they're a contractual commitment.
Our experienced AI-accelerated personnel work alongside your team, providing insights and strategies that are actionable and effective. This approach has allowed us to forge a path where others offer theories and promises; we deliver real-world, tangible results. White Plume is synonymous with financial precision, propelling practices into a future where operating income increases are not only expected but assured.
Watch 70 Second Testimonial Now
We deliver $29,162 of new EBITDA per provider per year ($6.94 / encounter) for our clients.
For a 100 doctor practice that means:
The Net cash result is $2,916,200 every year
Zero physician impact
The ROI begins in 60 days
An increase of $32,078,200* in shareholder value
* Assuming 11x EBITDA multiple
White Plume testimonial from large physician group practice
Next Steps for Practice or Portco CEOs
Review the process to understand next steps for improving your EBITDA
Awareness and Baseline Analysis
25 minute executive leadership White Glove outcomes session
Calculate Your Specific Targets and Timelines
90 minute session to collect specific information for your practice
Rapid ROI Implementation
Contract execution
90-120 days to live date
Weekly pre-live Zoom
AI-Informed Monthly Coaching
Review AI-directed recommendations
Make continuous improvement adjustments
Begin Your Process. Get Results Now.
Experience and Credentials
We work with large brand name group practice clients in 33 states, with practice sizes ranging from 15 to 400+ providers.
We have a narrow focus on large platforms and practices in 7 key specialties, so we know the particular needs of our clients.
Our average client is 9.3x better than the national average for key outcome metrics.
We've assisted with over 834 million encounters.
Our clients receive an additional $29,162 of EBITDA per provider.
Our clients see material ROI results within 3-6 months with zero changes for your providers.
White Glove Service can have an immediate, positive impact on your organization.